Updated on 2020/01/09


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Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational technology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Foreign language education

External Career

  • Yamagata University, Professor Emeritus, 2019.04 -



  • 「成人用外国語(英語)音声情報処理能力検査の開発研究の意義と教育・臨床への応用について」科学研究費(基盤研究(A))研究成果報告書『成人の外国語音声聴取能力のデーターベース化とこの能力を補償する受聴システムの研究』課題番号:07558270。, 科学研究費成果報告書,山形大学教育学部, 1998.11

    中西 達也, 中山和男・冨田かおる・山口常夫・中西達也

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「伝達速度制御による外国語(英語)音声・視覚情報の効果的提示方法に関する考察」科学研究費(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書『外国語(英語)音声・視覚情報の伝達速度制御システムの英語教育への適用可能性の研究』, 科学研究費研究成果報告書,山形大学教育学部, 1998.03

    中西 達也,山口常夫・中西達也

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「聴音速度・発話単位長を2要因をした英語教材のリスナビリティ公式の研究」科学研究費(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書『2要因(発話速度・発話単位)配置計画法による英語教材のリスナビリティ公式の研究』課題番号:07680251。, 科学研究費研究成果報告書,山形大学人文学部, 1997.03

    中西 達也,冨田かおる・中山和男・山口常夫・中西達也

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「音声速度変換処理装置の教育システム機器への展開」科学研究費(試験研究(B))研究成果報告書『外国語(英語)音声の時間軸制御による新しいリスニング教育・学習システムの開発研究』課題番号:04558042。, 科学研究費研究成果報告書,山形大学教養部, 1995.03

    中西 達也,中西達也・三崎正之・山口常夫

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「s処理音声で英語の単語間に生じる音連続現象を含む語句を呈示した場合の考察」科学研究費(一般研究(B))研究成果報告書『音声速度変換処理システム(s処理)の英語教育への適用可能性の研究』課題番号:04451142。, 科学研究費研究成果報告書,山形大学教養部, 1994.09

    中西 達也

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「音声速度交換処理(s処理)システムの評価-英語再認実験による習熟度別考察-」, 筑波英語教育第14号,筑波英語教育学会, 1993.03

    中西 達也,中山和男・山口常夫・中西達也・冨田かおる

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「外国語(英語)教育・学習システム構築におけるメディアとしての音声速度変換処理システム」(日本教育工学会研究奨励賞受賞研究), 『日本教育工学会第8回講演論文集』日本教育工学会, 1992.09

    中西 達也,中西達也・山口常夫・冨田かおる・中山和男・鈴木良二・三崎正之

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「外国語の聴解に影響を及ぼす要因について-聴単位と発話速度-」, 『山形大学紀要(人文科学)』第12巻第3号, 1992.01

    中西 達也,中山和男・冨田かおる・中西達也・山口常夫・鈴木良二・三崎正之

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「外国語音声の知覚に影響を及ぼす要因について-時間軸伸長とピッチ-」, 『山形大学紀要(人文科学)』第12巻第2号, 1991.01

    中西 達也,中西達也・中山和男・山口常夫

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「外国語音声の時間軸伸長による呈示方法の操作とその知覚に及ぼす影響にについて」, 『語学ラボラトリー学会30周年記念国際大会発表論集』, 1990.07

    中西 達也,中西達也・中山和男・山口常夫・鈴木良二・三崎正之・五月女典子

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 「文字手書き板を使用する外国語教育システムの提案」, 『外国語教育論集』第11号,筑波大学外国語センター, 1989.03

    中西 達也,中西達也・中山和男

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research,2012.04 - 2015.03,The Development and Validation of a Computer-Mediated Semi-Direct Test for Japanese Senior High School Students through Action Research

    This study investigated the usefulness of a computer-mediated semi-direct test (hereafter CST) at a Japanese senior high school. The test, which has three evaluation items, fluency, correctness, and prosody, was developed through action research. The usefulness was examined in terms of validity, reliability, and practicality with the help of the Many-Faceted Rasch Measurement. As a result, some empirical evidence for construct validity was confirmed, and other forms of evidence were shown in terms of face validity. Inter-rater reliability between the two raters and each rater's intra-rater reliability were found. Also, practicality was confirmed regarding the time spent conducting the test. In conclusion, some evidence for the usefulness was revealed and this suggests that CSTs might be one effective means to improve the rate of use of performance-based English speaking tests in high school.

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),2006.04 - 2009.03,Incorporation of Time-scale Modification of Teaching Materials with or without Subtitles into Learning and Instructional System for Foreign Language Education

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),2002.04 - 2005.03,Incorporation of Three Infra-red Rays Transfer on the Different Wavelength into Learning and Instructional System for Foreign Language Education

    This research was undertaken to assess the value of the possible instruction system where an instructor can administer to language learners at a free multimedia instructing and learning layout.
    This instruction system was made possible with the use of the light diffusion-transfer infra-red ray transmission system and a notebook computer. The system can use three different wavelengths. The first one is used for transferring NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) signal with analog spectrum. This transmission causes no delay distributing information from the instructor to the learners. The rest of them are used for wireless LAN utilizing infra-red ray. This system of the LAN uses CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) which has been adopted in IEEE802.3 10BASE-T, thus excelling CSMA/CA (CSMA with Collision Avoidance) in detecting a signal collision.
    There is, however, a next research issue found in the system. The system could operate the two functions simultaneously, by presenting audio-visual teaching materials to learners, and the learners controlling the playback of the materials by themselves. Then, the further research accounting for the effective chemistry between the two is needed.
    This research has arrived at the conclusion where foreign language education utilizing three infra-red rays transfer on the different wavelength may rejuvenate and even economize the whole education plan, in that instructors and learners only need to bring in their own notebook computers into the ordinary classroom, not into an extravagant LL or a computer room.

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),1998.04 - 2001.03,Incorporation of the Wireless Infrared Ray Transmission into Learning and Instructional System for Foreign Language Education

    This research was undertaken to assess the value of the possible LAN instruction system where an instructor can administer to language learners at a free instructing layout.
    This instruction system was made possible with the use of the light diffusion-transfer wireless infrared ray transmission system and a notebook computer. The system uses CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) which has been adopted in IEEE802.3 10BASE-T, thus excelling CSMA/CA (CSMA with Collision Avoidance) in detecting a signal collision.
    In the system a program to transfer information between an instructor and learners in a computer class is being operated. In addition, two-way voice communication system between an instructor and learners is built in. This resulted in the instruction system to cope with the need of improving four skills as "reading," "writing," "listening," and" "speaking".
    There is, however, a problem found in the system, in that the two-way voice communication system can not be operated real-time. As sound gaps seen in satelite broadcasting and heard in overseas calls often discomfort us, the sound gap of over one-second delay has been observed.
    This research has arrived at the conclusion that foreign language education utilizing wireless infrared ray transmission system may convenience and even economize the whole education plan, in that learners only need to bring in their own notebook computers into the ordinary classroom, not an extravagant LL or a computer room.

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),1998.04 - 2001.03,Foreign Language Education Utilizing Wireless Infrared Ray Transmission System

    Studies of a foreign language instruction system have been carried out by means of wireless LAN with optical diffusion method and note PCs, which do not limit location.
    Chief characteristics of the system employed in our studies are described in the fllowings. First, CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) adopted in IEEE802.3 10BASE-T is employed.It has exceeding advantage of collision detection of signals over CSMA/CA (CSMA with Collision Avoidance). Second, software is in operation, which is used in a typical computer room. It can transmit information bi-directionally from an instructor to learners and vice versa. The information here includes graphical information in display and saved files. Bi-directional digital transmission of speech sounds between an instructor and learners is added to its software used at a typical computer room. Third, an instructor can handle a group of learners individually in this system.
    It has turned out that the system can be used effectively and extensively in foreign language instructions. It can be applicable to every aspect of four skills, that is, reading, writing, listening and writing.
    A little problem is found. A transmission lag of speech sounds over one second has been detected. Most of us have already experienced this kind of lag in an overseas call and a TV program to find that it makes communication somewhat difficult.
    In conclusion, we have found possibilities to go beyond the specific restriction of facilities such as an LL and a computer room. Infrared ray transmission can be located on almost all classroom ceilings. If you bring your note PC compatible with optical LAN, then you can build up your instruction system freely within its effective area.

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),1995.04 - 1997.03,Incorporation of the Time-scale Modification of Speech and Visual Processing into Learning and Instructional System for Oral, Aural and Visual Comprehension of ESL

    Signal-processed speech and its synchronized visuals (SV) are developed to help learners of a foreign language (1) listen to authentic foreign speech that is spoken fast with many reduced forms and (2) watch value-bearing visual information that disappear fast with better and deeper understanding. Closed-captioned (CC) video materials, on the other hand, are designed to help those learners with difficulty in listening comprehension by reading subtitles presented on the display.
    An attempt from these perspectives in this research study was made to determine the effect of the presentation, combined these two strategies in the ESL classroom settings. The findings are as follows : (1) Subjects are likely to rely more on CC than listening to speech and watching visuals, thus the effect of SV is not obseryed, (2) Prepared cue visuals that are cut out from the learning video materials turn out a great contributor to the subjects'understanding in terms of listening comprehension.
    From the perspective of how listening comprehension ability develops over time, captioned video materials combined with SV system are a powerful motivating tool and can be successfully used in Japan not only for improving students'listening comprehension, but also for reading and vocabulary. However, further longitudinal studies are suggested.

  • Grant-in-Aid for Developmental Scientific Research (B),1992.04 - 1995.03,Incorporation of the Time-Scale Modification of Speech Processing System into Learning and Instructional System for Listening Comprehension of a Foreign Language

    Effective incorporation of a system for the time-scale modification of speech signals (henceforth, S-processing) into educational hardware has been discussed.
    The application of S-processing in the educational setting has been demonstrated.
    The effect of the new S-processing system when applied to the synchronized visual presentation has been examined.
    The improved system is nonlinear time-scale modification of speech signals with its focus on the speech and non-speech parts of utterances.
    The experiment carried with the aim of clarifying the effect of articulation rate and length of spoken unit on foreign language listening comprehension has shown that the slowing of the articulation rate with the S-Processing System, and the insertion of pauses, with the Voice Analyzing System which shortens the spoken unit, facilitated listening comprehension.
    Increasing pauses yielded more significant improvement in comprehension than decreasing the articulation rate.
    Processes of foreign language speech recognition have been considered on the basis of studies on speech perception.
    Perceptual sense unit has been measured both in normal and s-processed expanded speeches.
    Gap detection tests have been developed and gap detection threshold has been measured. They have turned out to be an accurate quantitative measure of listening ability.
    An acquisition model of a phonetic form in a foreign language and a lexical access model have been proposed.

  • Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (B),1992.04 - 1993.03

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