Updated on 2024/11/28


Associate Professor

Research Areas

  • Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics

Graduating School

  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras (Chennai), India., Faculty of Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering

    1995.06, Graduated

Graduate School

  • University of Cincinnati (USA), Graduate School, Division of Engineering

    Doctor's Course, 2002.07, Completed


  • Doctor (Science and Engineering), University of Cincinnati (USA), 2002.07

Academic Society Affiliations

  • Japan Society of Polymer Processing

  • The Society of Rheology, Japan

  • Polymer Processing Society

  • Society of Rheology



  • A scattering function for correlated lamellae, Polymer, 237 124281.1-124281.16, 2021.12

    Michael Camara, Kabir Rishi, Gregory Beaucage, Sathish K. Sukumaran

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Modulation of Optical Anisotropy in Chitosan Thin Films: Role of Swelling, Macromolecules, 2021.11

    Pradipkanti Devi Lairenjam, Sathish K. Sukumaran, and Dillip K. Satapathy

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Simulations of Startup Planar Elongation of an Entangled Polymer Melt, NIHON REOROJI GAKKAISHI, 48(1) 43-48, 2020

    Takeda Keiko, Masubuchi Yuichi, Sugimoto Masataka, Koyama Kiyohito, Sukumaran Sathish K.

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Preface-JES Focus Issue on 4D Materials and Systems, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 166(9) Y11, 2019.06

    Mukundan Rangachary, Furukawa Hidemitsu, Milano Giuseppe, Matsui Hiroyuki, Yoshida Tsukasa, Sukumaran Sathish K., Koehne Jessica, Hesketh Peter, Razeeb Kafil M., Magagnin Luca, Khosla Ajit, Moulin Joh...

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Electrical Conductivity and Linear Rheology of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Polymer Nanocomposites Prepared by Melt Mixing and Solution Casting, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 166(9) B3091-B3095, 2019.04

    Sukumaran Sathish K., Kobayashi Takafumi, Takeda Shunsuke, Khosla Ajit, Furukawa Hidemitsu, Sugimoto Masataka

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • i-Rheo GT: Transforming from Time to Frequency Domain without Artifacts, MACROMOLECULES, 51(14) 5055-5068, 2018.07

    Tassieri Manlio, Ramirez Jorge, Karayiannis Nikos Ch., Sukumaran Sathish K., Masubuchi Yuichi

    Single Author

  • Re-Examination of the Effect of the Stretch/Orientation-Induced Reduction of Friction under Equi-Biaxial Elongational Flow via Primitive Chain Network Simulation Using Two Definitions of Orientation Anisotropy, 日本レオロジー学会誌, 46(3) 145-149, 2018.06

    TAKEDA Keiko, SUKUMARAN Sathish Kumar, SUGIMOTO Masataka, KOYAMA Kiyohito, MASUBUCHI Yuichi

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Rheology and Foaming of Long-Chain Branched Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer and Its Blends, INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING, 33(2) 217-225, 2018.05

    Nishi E., Satou T., Sukumaran S. K., Katou T., Sugimoto M., Koyama K.

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Effect of the particle diameter of the chemical foaming agent on the foaming process and the cellular structure of one-shot compression molded polyethylene foams, JOURNAL OF POLYMER ENGINEERING, 38(1) 41-50, 2018.01

    Tateishi Junichiro, Nishiwaki Tsuyoshi, Sukumaran Sathish K., Sugimoto Masataka

    Single Author

  • Viscoelastic behavior of PMMA/grafted PBA nanoparticle systems in the molten state, Rheologica Acta , 56 779-785, 2017.08

    Masataka Sugimoto, Kengo Ishizuka, Keisuke Hatano, Sathish K. Sukumaran, Yuji Aoki

    Single Author

  • Melt Rheology of Ethylen-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) Modified by Divinyl Monomer, Seikei-Kakou (Journal of the Japan Society of Polymer Processing), 29(3) 97-101, 2017.02

    Ei- ichi Nishi, Takashi Satou, Satoru Imai, Sathish K. Sukumaran, Masataka Sugimoto*, Kiyohito Koyama

    Single Author

  • In-situ measurement of internal mold pressure during one-shot chemical foaming process, Seikei-Kakou (Journal of the Japan Society of Polymer Processing), 29(2) 62-68, 2017.01

    Junichiro Tateishi, Norihiko Taniguchi, Tsuyoshi Nishiwaki, Sathish K. Sukumaran, Masataka Sugimoto

    Single Author

  • Primitive chain network simulations for elongational viscosity of bidisperse polystyrene melts, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences volume, 2 11.1-11.13, 2015.06

    Keiko Takeda, Sathish K Sukumaran, Masataka Sugimoto, Kiyohito Koyama, Yuichi Masubuchi

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Test of the Stretch/Orientation-Induced Reduction of Friction for Biaxial Elongational Flow via Primitive Chain Network Simulation, 日本レオロジー学会誌, 43(3-4) 63-69, 2015

    Keiko Takeda, Sathish Kumar Sukumaran, Masataka Sugimoto, Kiyohito Koyama, Yuichi Masubuchi

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • A full-chain constitutive model for bidisperse blends of linear polymers , Journal of Rheology, 56(4) 823-873, 2012.08

    D. J. Read, K. Jagannathan, S. K. Sukumaran and D. Auhl

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Effect of processing temperature on thermal doping of polyaniline without shear, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 22(8) 1286-1291, 2011.08

    Teruya Goto, Hiroshi Awano,Tatsuhiro Takahashi, Koichiro Yonetake, Sathish K. Sukumaran

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Efficient on the fly calculation of time correlation functions in computer simulations, Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 154103-1-154103-12, 2010.10

    Jorge Ramírez, Sathish K. Sukumaran, Bart Vorselaars, and Alexei E. Likhtman

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2023.04 - 2024.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2020.04 - 2023.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2019.04 - 2022.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2011.04 - 2014.03