Updated on 2022/02/24


Associate Professor(Moving Out or Retirement)

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Archaeology

Graduating School

  • The University of Tokyo

    1999.03, Graduated

Graduate School

  • The University of Tokyo

    Master's Course, 2001.03, Completed

Academic Society Affiliations



  • Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology



  • pXRF Sourcing of Obsidian from Pallaucha, Vilcashuaman: Insights into Exchange Patterns in South-Central Peru during the Early Horizon, Horizon”, Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 49(2) 255-276, 2021.11

    Edison Mendoza Martínez, Jason Nesbitt, Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero Palomino, Michael D.Glascock

    Single Author

  • ¿Cupisnique en la Sierra Central? Piezas de “Cupisnique Clásico" en Piquimina y Campanayuq Rumi, 4(2) 71-95, 2021.07

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Jason Nesbitt

    Single Author

  • Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuamán, Ayacucho: Tercera Temporada de campo (2016), ACTAS IV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ARQUEOLOGÍA, II 45-54, 2019.08

    Yuri Cavero, Yuichi Matsumoto, Jason Nesbitt

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Campanayuq Rumi and Arpiri: Two Civic-Ceremonial Centers on the Southern Periphery of the Chavín Interaction Sphere, Ñawpa Pacha Journal of Andean Archaeology, 39(1) 57-75, 2019.03

    ジェイソン・ネスビット, 松本雄一, ユリ・カベロ

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Paracas en la Sierra: Interacción Temprana entre la Sierra Centro-sur y Costa Sur, Peruvian Archaeology, 3 33-64, 2019.03


    Single Author

  • Excavations at La Ventilla, south coast of Peru, America Antigua, (20) 95-106, 2017

    Atsushi Yamamoto, Masato Sakai, Jorge Olano, Yuichi Matsumoto

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Actividades Rituales en Áreas Circundantes al Centro Ceremonial de Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho, Actas del I Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, 2 99-104, 2016

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero, Jason Nesbitt, y Edison Mendoza

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Estudio de artefactos oseos del centroceremonial Formativo de Campanayuq Rumi,Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho., Actas de Ponencias del V Simposio Nacional de Arte Rupestre Sinar "Eloy Linares Malaga", 107-132, 2016

    Yuri I. Cavero Palomino, Yuichi Matsumoto, HIlda Belido

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Cupisnique Pottery at the South Highland Site of Campanayuq Rumi: Implications for late Initial Period Interaction, Peruvian Archaeology, 1 47-61, 2014.03

    ジェイソン・ネスビット, 松本雄一

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Domestic Occupations in the Late Initial Period and Early Horizon: New Evidence from Campanayuq Rumi, Peru. , Andean Past, 11 169-213, 2013.12

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero Palomino, Roy Gutiérrez Silva

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • The domestic occupation of Campanayuq Rumi: implications for understanding the Initial Period and Early Horizon of The South-Central Andes of Peru., Andean Past, 11 169-223, 2013.12

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero Plaomino, Roy Gutierrez Silva

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • How did descriptions of ancient America change in revised high-school history books, America Antigua, (16) 85-100, 2013.12

    Kazuo Aoyama, Masato Sakai, Yukitaka Inoue, Mutsumi Izeki, Etsuo Hasegawa, Sigeru Kabata, Yuichi Matsumoto

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Ritual and Discard in Ceremonial Centers: The Case of Andean Formative, Annual Papers of the Anthropological Institute, (3) 1-41, 2013.03

    Yuichi Matsumoto

    Single Author

  • Recognising ritual: the case of Campanayuq Rumi, ANTIQUITY, 86(333) 746-759, 2012.09

    Yuichi Matsumoto

    Single Author

  • Early Horizon gold metallurgy from Campanayuq Rumi in the Peruvian South-central Highlands., Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology, 32(1) 115-129, 2012

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero Palomino

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Mitomarca: a possible fortification in the Upper Huallaga Basin., Andean Past, 10 272-277, 2012

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Jason Nesbitt, Denesy Palacio

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Archaeological investigations at Sajara-patac in the Upper Huallaga Basin., Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology, 31(2) 55-110, 2011

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Eisei Tsurumi

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Chavin and Paracas : interregional interactions between the Peruvian south-central highlands and south coast, 古代アメリカ, 0(14) 29-56, 2011

    松本 雄一

    Single Author

  • The prehistoric ceremonial center of Campanayuq Rumi: interregional interactions in the Peruvian South-central Highlands., Department of Anthropology, Yale University, 2010.12


    Single Author

  • El manejo del espacio ritual en el sitio de Sajara-patac y sus implicancias para el «fenómeno Chavín»., Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 13 133-158, 2010

    Yuichi Matsumoto

    Single Author

  • Reconsidering the Formative Period in the Upper Huallaga Basin, America antigua, (13) 1-30[含 英語文要旨], 2010

    松本 雄一

    Single Author

  • Una aproximación cronológica del centro ceremonial de Campanayuq Rumi, Ayacucho., Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 13 323-346, 2010

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Investigaciones arqueológicas en Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho., Pacha Runa, (1) 24-46, 2010

    Yuichi Matsumoto, Yuri Cavero Palomino

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Campanayuq Rumi and the Chavin Problem: perspectives from the periphery of the Chavin sphere of interaction, America antigua, (12) 65-94[含 英語文要旨], 2009

    松本 雄一

    Single Author

  • Excavations at the Site of Sajarapatac in Peru, America Antigua, (6) 35-52, 2003.12

    Yuichi Matsumoto

    Single Author

  • Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Huanuco, Peru, America Antigua, (5) 69-89, 2002.12

    Kinya Inokuchi, Yoshio Ounki, Eisei Tsurumi, Yuichi Matsumoto, Alvaro Ruiz

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

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  • Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Upper Huallaga Basin, Peru, New Haven: Peabody Museum of Natural History, and the Department of Anthropology, Yale University. Yale University Publications in Anthropology 95, 2020.08

    Yuichi Matsumoto

  • Perspectives on Early Andean Civilization in Peru: Interaction, Authority, and Socioeconomic Organization during the First and Second Millennia BC., New Haven: Peabody Museum of Natural History, and the Department of Anthropology, Yale University. Yale University Publications in Anthropology 94, 2019.12

    Richard L. Burger, Lucy C. Salazar, Yuji Seki, eds

  • アンデス古代の探求, 中央公論社, 2018.05

    大貫良夫, 稀有の会 編

  • 関雄二編 古代文明アンデスと西アジア: 神殿と権力の生成, 朝日新聞出版, 2015

    関雄二 編

  • Centros de Líneas y Cerámicas en las Pampas de Nasca, Perú, 2010, Yamagata University Press, 2014.03

    Masato Sakai, Jorge Olano, Yuichi Matsumoto, HIraku, Takahashi

Review Papers

  • Proyecto de Investigaciones Arqueologicas Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho 2013, Ministerio de la Cultura del Perú, 2016

    Yuichi Matsumoto, y, Yuri I. Cavero Palomino

  • Campanayuq Rumi, sierra sur del Perú, Aporte Japonés a la investigación de las Antigua Civilizaciones de los Andes del Perú, 110-111, 2015

    Yuichi Matsumoto

  • Informe Final del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica de las Líneas y Geoglifos de la Pampa de Nasca (Séptima Temporada), Ministerio de la Cultura del Perú, 2015

    Masato Sakai, Yoshimitsu Ccoyllo, Jorge Olano, Yuichi Matsumoto, Atsushi Yamamoto

  • Campanayuq Rumi: centro ceremonial de 3000 años de antigüedad en Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho., Diario Jornada, No.616-03 6-7, 2008.06

    Yuichi Matsumoto, y, Yuri Cavero Palomino

  • Excavaciones en la Plaza Central del Sector A, Proyecto Arqueológico Kuntur Wasi 2002 De la Misión Arqueológica de la Universidad de Tokio., 10-15, 2002

    Kinya Inokuchi, Yuichi Matsumoto, y, Yoshifumi Sato

  • Métodos y técnica de conservación-restauración: Sector A, Proyecto Arqueológico Kuntur Wasi 2002 De la Misión Arqueológica de la Universidad de Tokio., 68-82, 2002

    Kinya Inokuchi, Yuichi Matsumoto, y, Yoshifumi Sato

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),2020.04 - 2025.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A),2020.04 - 2021.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for New academic field research(Research areas proposal),2019.04 - 2021.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(A),2018.04 - 2019.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for New academic field research(Research areas proposal),2018.04 - 2019.03

Other external funds procured

  • Emergence of an Early Civilization in the Central Andes,2013.04 - 2015.03,Emergence of an Early Civilization in the Central Andes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • Emergence of Complex Society in the Peruvian South Central Highlands: Perspectives on the Southern Frontier of the Chavín Sphere of Interaction.,2009.11,Emergence of Complex Society in the Peruvian South Central Highlands: Perspectives on the Southern Frontier of the Chavín Sphere of Interaction.

    National Science Foundation

  • Interdisciplinary research on the vicissitude of the Andean Civilization and its environment,2009.07 - 2014.03,Interdisciplinary research on the vicissitude of the Andean Civilization and its environment

    The objectives of this project can be divided into two interrelated themes. The first one is to consider the rise and fall of Andean civilization in relation to environmental change, and the second one is to understand human activities carried out around the Nasca Lines. For these purposes, three different researches were conducted; reconstructions of paleo-environment, settlement survey, and excavations in and around the "Pampa de Nasca". According to the results, through the constructions of underground canals, the societies that used the Nasca Lines sustained themselves for 2000 years from 400 B.C. even in the periods of dry climate. In addition, while the people carried out a type of ritual represented by destructions of pottery, they did it more frequently when the climate became increasingly dry. Against the sharp shift to dry climate, people sustained their societies for long period of time by means of ritual activities and utilization of underwater.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • Analysis of Archaeological Remains from Campanayuq Rumi, Peru,2009.02,Analysis of Archaeological Remains from Campanayuq Rumi, Peru

    Yale University Coe Fun

  • Analysis of Archaeological Remains from Campanayuq Rumi, Peru,2008.06,Analysis of Archaeological Remains from Campanayuq Rumi, Peru

    Yale University

  • Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru,2008.03,Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru

    Yale University Albers Fund

  • Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru,2008.01,Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru

    Yale University

  • Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru,2007.07,Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru

    Yale University

  • Grad Student Summer Research Fund(3700USD),2007.05 - 2007.08,Grad Student Summer Research Fund(3700USD)

    Yale University

  • Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru,2007.03,Archaeological Research at Campanayuq Rumi, Peru

    Yale University

  • Albers Fund (4500USD),2006.05 - 2006.08,Albers Fund (4500USD)

    Yale University

  • Albers Fund (4200USD),2005.05 - 2005.08,Albers Fund (4200USD)

    Yale University

  • Grad Student Summer Research (USD3500),2005.05 - 2005.08,Grad Student Summer Research (USD3500)

    Yale University

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  • VI Coloquio de Estudiantes de Arqueologia e Historia, International presentation, 2020.12, Rituales Sincretismo y Religioso: Una Propuesta a Partir de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuaman-Ayacucho, Oral presentation (general)

  • Simposio Conmemorativo por los 120 Años de la Inmigración Japonesa/ Ano de la Amistad Peruano Japonesa: “Arqueología y Patrimonio Cultural de la Costa y Sierra Sur", International presentation, 2020.01, Los centros ceremoniales de la Sierra Centro-Sur en el contexto del fenómeno Chavín y sus potencialidades como Patrimonio Cultural, Oral presentation (general)

  • V Coloquio de Estudiantes de Arqueologia e Historia UNSCH, International presentation, 2019.11, La plaza circular de Campanayuq Rumi: importancia y significado en los estudios del periodo formativo de la sierra centro sur, Oral presentation (general)

  • II Congreso Mundial y III Hornada Nacional e Internacional de Investigacion Cientifica, International presentation, 2019.09, La periferia del fenómeno Chavín: Nuevas investigaciones arqueológicos en Ayacucho y sus implicancias al desarrollo Socio-económico durante el Primer Milenio A.C., Oral presentation (general)

  • VI Congeso Nacional de Arqueologia, International presentation, 2019.08, Evidencias arqueológicas en la cima de la plataforma central del centro ceremonial de Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuamán -Ayacucho, Oral presentation (general)

  • Simposio por el Año de Amistad entre Japón y Perú “Protección del Patrimonio Cultural peruano en el nuevo milenio: Perspectivas y experiencias de investigadores de Perú y Japón", International presentation, 2019.08, ¿Sierra Centro-sur periferia del fenómeno Chavín ? Nuevas evidencias en Ayacucho, Oral presentation (general)

  • Simposio Internacional Chavin 100 años de arqueología desde Julio C. Tello hasta nuestros días Avances y perspectivas, International presentation, 2019.08, La Plaza Circular en Campanayoq Rumi y su implicancia en la Cronología Arquitectónica, Oral presentation (general)

  • 84th Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology, International presentation, 2019.04, From Kotosh to Pacopampa: Sixty-Years of Japanese Investigations on the Andean Formative, Oral presentation (general)

  • Nuevas Perspectivas a la Formación de Civilización Temprana en Los Andes: Cronología, Interacción, y Organización Social, International presentation, 2019.03, Las fronteras del fenómeno Chavín, Oral presentation (general)

  • IV COLOQUIO DE ESTUDIANTES DE ARQUEOLOGIA E HISTORIA UNSCH, International presentation, 2018.10, Evidencias arquitectónicas en la parte alta de la plataforma principal del centro ceremonial Campanayoq Rumi, Ayacucho., Oral presentation (general)

  • Dumbarton Oaks ConferenceReconsidering the Chavín Phenomenon in the 21st Century, International presentation, 2018.10, Campanayuq Rumi and the Southern Periphery of Chavín Phenomenon, Oral presentation (general)

  • III Simposio de Arqueologia, International presentation, 2018.08, Resultados preliminares de las excavaciones en el sito de Estudiantes, Oral presentation (general)

  • Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, International presentation, 2018.04, Settlement Pattern Study on the Early Occupations in the Upper Huallaga Basin, Northern Peru, Oral presentation (general)

  • Simposio Internacional. Paisaje y Territorio, prácticas sociales e interacciones regionales en los Andes Centrales., International presentation, 2017.11, Utilización y adecuación del Paisaje Natural en Construcciones Monumentales durante el Periodo Inicial y Horizonte Temprano., Oral presentation (general)

  • IV CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ARQUEOLOGIA, International presentation, 2017.08, Tercera Temporada de Excavaciones en Campanayuq Rumi Vilcashuamán, Ayacucho., Oral presentation (general)

  • I Simposio de arqueología: El periodo Formativo en la costa norte, International presentation, 2017.06, ¿Cupisnique en la sierra Central? Piezas de “Cupisnique Clásico" en Huánuco y Ayacucho, Oral presentation (general)

  • Society for American Archaeology 81st Annual Meeting, International presentation, 2016.04, Ceremonial Center and Domestic Rituals: The Case of Campanayuq Rumi,, Oral presentation (general)

  • Nasca Roundtable 2016, International presentation, 2016.03, The Emergence of Paracas Culture in the Highland and the Tajo Problem., Oral presentation (general)

  • MARI Brown Bag, International presentation, 2016.02, New Insights on Ritual Practices from Campanayuq Rumi, Peru., Oral presentation (general)

  • II Simposio de Arquoiologia, Avances de las investigaciones arqueológicas de las misiones italiana y japonesa, International presentation, 2015.09, Emergencia de la Cultura Paracas: Una Perspectiva desde Sierra Centro-sur del Perú, Oral presentation (general)

  • Simposio conmemorativo por el centenario del nacimiento de Seiichi Izumi, International presentation, 2015.08, Reconsiderando los datos arqueológicos de la cuenca del Alto Huallaga: Un nuevo enfoque desde el patrón de asentamiento., Oral presentation (general)

  • 55 ICA(International Congress of Americanists), International presentation, 2015.06, Chavín en la Costa y Paracas en la Sierra: Interacción Interregional durante el Horizonte Temprano, Oral presentation (general)

  • 55 ICA(International Congress of Americanists, International presentation, 2015.06, ¿Maquetas Representando Arquitectura Pública? : Nuevos Hallazgos desde Campanayuq Rumi Tradiciones tempranas de arquitectura pública de los Andes Centrales., Oral presentation (general)

  • SAA 80th Annual Meeting, International presentation, 2015.04, Sourcing the Obsidian from Campanayuq Rumi: Implications for Understanding Chavín Interaction, Oral presentation (general)

  • Nasca Roundtable 2015, International presentation, 2015.03, Nested Interactions between the South Coast and South-central Highlands during the Initial Period and Early Horizon., Oral presentation (general)

  • La producción de los espacios rituales en las regiones de la zona sur de los Andes, International presentation, 2015.02, ¿Ritual doméstica?:Manejo del espacio ritual en el centro ceremonial de Campanayuq Rumi, Oral presentation (general)

  • Desarrollo y Cambio Social de las Sociedades Prehispánicas en la Costa., International presentation, 2014.02, Paracas en la sierra: Una perspectiva desde Campanayuq Rumi, Oral presentation (general)

  • Society for American Archaeology 78th Annual Meeting, International presentation, 2013.04, Paracas in the Highland? Interregional Interactions between, Oral presentation (general)

  • Symposium"La complejidad social del periodo Formativo en los Andes Centrales"at 54 International Congress of Americanists, International presentation, 2012.07, Al sur de Chavín: interacción interregional entre la sierra central y la costa sur del Perú durante el Periodo Formativo., Oral presentation (general)

  • Dumbarton Oaks Research Report, International presentation, 2012.04, Polities on the periphery?: the Chavín phenomenon and the emergence of complex societies in the Peruvian South-central Highlands, Oral presentation (general)

  • Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Symposium "Population Prehistory of the Andes: A Cross-Disciplinary Conspectus", International presentation, 2011.11, Maize, demography, and the Chavín Phenomenon., Oral presentation (general)

  • Brown Bag Archaeology Meeting (Department of Anthropology, Yale University), Domestic presentation, 2010.11, Interregional interactions and emergence of complex societies in the Peruvian South-Central Highlands., Oral presentation (general)

  • 29th Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, International presentation, 2010.10, The nature of ritual activities at Campanayuq Rumi, Chavín related center in the Peruvian south-central highlands., Oral presentation (general)

  • XVI Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina y Amazónica "Julio César Tello Rojas", International presentation, 2009.10, Investigaciones arqueológicas en Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuamàn, Ayacucho., Oral presentation (general)

  • Brown Bag Archaeology Meeting (Department of Anthropology, Yale University), Domestic presentation, 2009.03, Excavations at Campanayuq Rumi: implications for the Chavín Phenomenon., Oral presentation (general)

  • 37th Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory, International presentation, 2009.03, Campanayuq Rumi: perspectives on the southern frontier of the Chavín sphere of interaction., Oral presentation (general)

  • VI Simposio Internacional de Arqueología PUCP: El Período Formativo: Enfoques y Evidencias Recientes. Cincuenta Años de la Misión Arqueológica Japonesa y su Vigencia, International presentation, 2008.09, Campanayuq Rumi: un centro ceremonial en forma de "U" en Vilcashuamán, Ayacucho, sierra centro-sur., Oral presentation (general)

  • 331 Anniversario de Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga, International presentation, 2008.07, Investigaciones arqueológicas en Campanayuq Rumi, Vilcashuaman, Ayacucho., Oral presentation (general)

  • Brown Bag Archaeology Meeting (Department of Anthropology, Yale University), Domestic presentation, 2007.01, Use of ritual space at the site of Sajara-patac, Peru., Oral presentation (general)

  • 47th Annual Meeting of Institute of Andean Studies, International presentation, 2007.01, Use of ritual space at the site of Sajara-patac, Huánuco, Peru., Oral presentation (general)

  • Brow Bag Archaeology Meeting (Department of Anthropology, Yale University), Domestic presentation, 2005.10, Archaeological research in the Huánuco Basin, Peru., Oral presentation (general)

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Academic Activity

  • Peruvian Archaeology, 2014.03 -

  • 古代アメリカ学会, 2015.01 - 2016.12

  • 古代アメリカ学会, 2021.01 -

Social Activities

  • Investigaciones de la Universidad de Yamagata,2018.02

  • Nuevas Perspectivas a la arqueologia de Nasca: Recientes,2017.10

  • El centro ceremonial de Campanayuq Rumi: importancia en el desarrollo turístico de Vilcashuaman.,2008.07

  • Campanayuq Rumi, un centro ceremonial de la Cultura Chavín.,2007.12

  • Nuevos hallazgos en un sitio arqueológico Campanayuq Rumi.,2007.11

Media Coverage

  • Ruinas Campanayuq Rumi impresionan al mundo,2018.11

  • Descubren gran centro ceremonial,2018.10

  • Descubren centro ceremonial de tres mil años de antigüedad,2018.10

  • El descubrimiento del ojo Chavín,2008.12

  • Descubren centro ceremonial en complejo de Vilcashuaman,2008.06