Research Areas
Humanities & Social Sciences / International relations
Humanities & Social Sciences / Education
Graduate School
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Education
Doctor's Course, 2001.03, Completed
External Career
Shokei Gakuin College, Part-time Lecturer, 2020.04 -
Yamagata University, Associate Professor (as old post name), 2005.04 - 2012.09
Yamagata University, Lecturer, 2002.07 - 2005.03
Hosei University, Lecturer, 2002.04 - 2002.08
Daito Bunka University, Lecturer, 2002.04 - 2002.09
Daito Bunka University, Researcher, 2001.04 - 2002.08
, Researcher, 2000.04 - 2002.03
Wako University, Lecturer, 1999.04 - 2003.03
Research Career
the Development of Social Studies Teaching Materials for Promoting Understanding of East Asia, 2012.04 -
The current situation and the challenge regarding the mutual understanding between Korea and Japan on division and unification of the Korean Peninsula., 2007.04 - 2009.03
The Historical Change and the Task of Korea Unification Education towards the Establishment of Stability in Northeast Asia, 2004.04 - 2005.04
Japan-Korea Friendship through Exchanges between Grassroots: Focusing on Takashi Hatada, Takumi Asakawa and Takumi Fujimoto, The Journal of social studies, (134) 50-60, 2018.10
Single Author
グローバル市民教育の視点からみた日韓関係(韓国語), 日本近代学研究, (50) 47-65, 2015.11
Single Author
A Comparative on Korean-Japanese College Students' Thinking and Consciousness Tendency, Jounal of Education & Culture, 22(1) 67-100, 2016.02
Kim Heung-Kyu, Lee Sang-Lan, KO KIl-Hee
Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)
被爆・敗戦60年:東アジアの平和への日本の責任を考える(佐貫浩), (翻訳)『歴史教育研究』(ソウル), (創刊) 257-270, 2005.07
Single Author
朝鮮が日本の植民地にされた原因は何か(朴鐘天), (翻訳)比較史・比較歴史教育研究会編『帝国主義の時代と現在-東アジアとの対話-』未来社, 168-179, 2002.03
Single Author
(歴史の中の人物探求22) 馬山で生まれた日本人朝鮮史学者 旗田巍』(ハングル), 知識産業社(ソウル), 2005.07
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2019.04 - 2022.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),2018.04 - 2019.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2015.04 - 2018.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2012.04 - 2015.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2007.04 - 2010.03
日本の中学校歴史教科書にみる「満州」認識, International presentation, 2015.05, 日本の中学校歴史教科書にみる「満州」認識, Oral presentation (general)
AALA山形支部学習会, Domestic presentation, 2014.10, 韓国内における日本軍「慰安婦」をめぐる動向, Oral presentation (general)
韓国日本近代学会-特別シンポジウム, International presentation, 2006.12, 「韓流ブーム」と朝鮮半島イメージの二極分化の現象に関する考察, Oral presentation (general)
第14回 韓国日本近代学会・第7回 日本経営管理学会 国際大会(麗澤大学), International presentation, 2006.10, 日韓両国における青少年の相互認識と教育課題, Oral presentation (general)
講演:都教組・東京民研主催、 第9期 東京民研大学セミナ-, Domestic presentation, 1999.06, 「21世紀へのメッセージ」 テーマ:「韓国から日本の友人へ」, Oral presentation (general)
Academic Activity
日本社会科教育学会, 2020.04 - 2021.03
韓国人格教育学会, 2017.03 -
日韓教育実践研究会, 2002.11 -
韓国国際理解教育学会, 2011.03 -
Media Coverage