Research Areas
Andean Archaeology
Cultural Anthropology
Graduating School
Kanda University of International Studies, Faculty of Foreign Language, Department of English
1995.03, Graduated
Graduate School
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Department of Anthropology, Masters Program
Doctor's Course, 2005.08, Completed
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Department of Anthropology, Anthropology
Master's Course, 2005.08, Completed
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Department of Anthropology, Doctoral Program
Doctor's Course, 2014.12, Completed
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Department of Anthropology, Anthropology
Doctor's Course, 2014.12, Completed
Doctor of Philosophy (Anthropology), Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2014.12
Master of Arts (Anthropology), Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2005.08
External Career
Southeast Missouri State University, Part-time Lecturer, 2008.08 - 2008.12
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Junior Fellow, 2012.09 - 2013.05
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection , Researcher, 2012.09 - 2013.06
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Post-doctoral Researcher, 2015.02 - 2016.03
Yamagata University, JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, 2016.04 - 2017.09
Yamagata University, Special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2016.04 - 2017.09
Yamagata Univerity, Associate Professor, 2017.10 -
Institute of Andean Studies, 2018.12 -
Academic Society Affiliations
Society for American Archaeology
Japan Society for Studies of Ancient America
Japan Association for Latin American Studies
Institute of Andean Studies
Research Career
Integrative role of ancestor veneration in the multiethnic Middle Sican state (AD 950-1100): A perspective from food practices, 2013.08 - 2014.07
Excavations at Huacas de Sican on the Peruvian North Coast: A Study of Interactions between Human Society and Natural Environment, 2017.04 - 2019.03
Excavations of Huaca Facho during the transitional period from Moche to Lambayeque: A study of the reconstruction of complex society, 2019.04 - 2024.03
Excavations of Great Plaza at Huacas de Sican and Landscape Analysis, 2020.04 - 2022.03
What is paleteada pottery? From the results of recent excavations and analyses, América Antigua, (24) 51-75, 2021.12
Go Matsumoto, Masaki Maruko, Gabriel Villegas, Gabriela De Los Ríos
Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)
The Mochicas under the Sicán/Lambayeque rule, America Antigua, (22) 75-99, 2019.12
Go Matsumoto
Single Author
Reassessing the Uniformitarian Image of Ancestors in the Andes: Based on Archaeological Data from Huacas de Sicán on the Peruvian North Coast, America Antigua, 20 15-40, 2017.12
Go Matsumoto
Single Author
Resultados preliminares de las excavaciones en la Gran Plaza - Huacas de Sicán, Actas del V Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, I 43-54, 2019
Go Matsumoto, Gabriela De Los Rios
Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)
A Union of Dispersed Knowledge and People: Achievements of Archaeo-GIS Workshop 2007-10, Revive the Past: Proceedings of the 39th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Beijing, China. 12-16 April 2011, 334-342, 2012
Y. Kondo, G. Matsumoto, Y. Seino, T. Ako, W. Fukui, M. Sugiura, T. Uozu, H. Yamaguchi
Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)
FIELDWALK@KOZU: A Preliminary Report of the GPS/GIS-Aided Walking Experiments for Re-Modeling Prehistoric Pathways at Kozushima Island, East Japan, On the Road to Reconstructing the Past: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 2011
Y. Kondo,T. Ako,I. Heshiki,G. Matsumoto,Y. Seino,M. Takeda,H. Yamaguchi
Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)
GIS in Archaeological Theory, 情報考古学, 13(2) 25-26, 2008
松本 剛
Single Author
Paisaje y territorio: prácticas sociales e interacciones regionales en los andes centrales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y Universidad de Yamagata, 2021.01
Luisa Díaz Arriola, Oscar Arias Espinoza, Atsushi Yamamoto, Go Matsumoto, ほか17名
Ceramics of the Indigenous Cultures of South America: Production and Exchange, University of New Mexico Press, 2019.03
Michael D. Glascock, Hector Neff, Kevin J. Vaughn, Go Matsumoto, ほか39名
Living with the Dead in the Andes, University of Arizona Press, 2015.05
Izumi Shimada, Jean-François Millaire, Go Matsumoto, Frank Salomon, ほか10名
Tools of the Trade: Methods, Techniques and Innovative Approaches in Archaeology, University of Calgary Press, 2009.06
Amber E. MacKenzie, Susan Cachel, Pamela R. Willoughby, Go Matsumoto, ほか17名
Archaeology & Ancient Religion in in the American Midcontinent, University of Alabama Press, 2018.11
Brad H. Koldehoff, Timothy R. Pauketat, Mark J. Wagner, Go Matsumoto, ほか12名
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Grant-in-Aid for New academic field research(Research areas proposal),2020.04 - 2022.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A),2020.04 - 2021.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B),2019.04 - 2024.03
Grant-in-Aid for New academic field research(Research areas proposal),2018.04 - 2019.03
Other external funds procured
Excavations of Huaca Facho during the transitional period from Moche to Lambayeque: A study of the reconstruction of complex society,2019.04 - 2024.03,Excavations of Huaca Facho during the transitional period from Moche to Lambayeque: A study of the reconstruction of complex society
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant,2013.08 - 2014.07,Integrative role of ancestor veneration in the multiethnic Middle Sican state (AD 950-1100): A perspective from food practices
Foreign Countries
Integrative role of ancestor veneration in the multiethnic Middle Sican state (AD 950-1100): A perspective from food practices,2013.08 - 2014.07,Integrative role of ancestor veneration in the multiethnic Middle Sican state (AD 950-1100): A perspective from food practices
National Science Foundation
The 40th Annual Meeting of Midwest Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, International presentation, 2012.02, Oral presentation (general)
The 76th Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology, International presentation, 2011.04, Oral presentation (general)
日本情報考古学会 第24回年次大会, International presentation, 2007.09, Oral presentation (invited, special)
Academic Activity
Japan Society for Studies of Ancient America, 2001.04 - 2002.03
Peruvian Archaeology, 2015.04 -
Japan Society for Studies of Ancient America, 2016.04 - 2017.12
古代メリカ学会, 2021.04 - 2022.03
Social Activities
Integrative role of ancestor veneration cult at the site of Sicán, Peru,2013.01
Media Coverage
「<山形大>ペルーの遺跡で新発見 洪水時のいけにえか」,2017.10
「山形大の発掘調査、宗教儀礼の跡も 1000年前のペルー都市、洪水後も社会維持か」,2017.10
「山形大ペルー1000年前の都市 発掘調査 自然災害に屈せず営為」,2017.10
「ペルーの遺跡で人骨発見 山形大、儀礼の犠牲者か」,2017.10
「山形大、ペルーの遺跡で人骨発見 宗教儀礼の犠牲者か」,2017.10
「ペルー遺跡で人骨発見 山形大 儀礼の犠牲者か」,2017.10
「ペルー遺跡で人骨発見 儀礼の犠牲者か 山形大 」,2017.10
「La tumba de un orfebre de la élite de Sicán y otros hallazgos de la cultura de Lambayeque」,2017.10
新聞朝刊記事「ペルー遺跡で人骨発見 山形大 儀礼の犠牲者か」,2017.10
インターネットニュース「<山形大>ペルーの遺跡で新発見 洪水時のいけにえか」,2017.10
新聞朝刊記事「山形大ペルー1000年前の都市 発掘調査 自然災害に屈せず営為」,2017.10
「1,000-Year-Old Victims of Human Sacrifice Found in Peru」,2017.09
「Penemuan makam tumbal berusia 1.000 tahun di pesisir Peru」,2017.09
「Lambayeque: Hallan restos de un sacrificio humano de más de mil años en Sicán」,2017.09
「Középkori sírokat tártak fel Peruban」,2017.09
「1000-year-old gravesite yields traces of human sacrifice」,2017.09
「1000 yıl önce kurban edilen insanların iskeletleri bulundu」,2017.09
「Pre-Incan grave with skeletons of 1,000-year-old human sacrifices found in Peru」,2017.09
「Arqueólogos descubren tumbas con nueve víctimas de sacrificios humanos」,2017.09
「Perú: descubren rastros de sacrificios humanos de hace más de mil años」,2017.09
「Descubren sacrificios humanos con más de mil años de antigüedad」,2017.09
「Lambayeque: así lucen los restos intactos de dos orfebres mochicas」,2017.09
「Develan un nuevo secreto de los artesanos mochicas」,2017.09
テレビ取材「RPP Noticias」,2017.09
新聞朝刊記事「Develan un nuevo secreto de los artesanos mochicas」,2017.09