Updated on 2023/11/21


TAKETA Toshihiro
Assistant Professor
Contact information

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Computer system

  • Informatics / Database


Research Career

  • Study on Parallel Algorithms, 1900.04 -

    Parallel Algorithm,Processor Array


  • ファジィ推論による表情選択モデルのヒューマンインタフェースへの応用,日本ファジィ学会誌, Vol.12, No.2, pp.313-320(2000.4), 2000.04

    武田 利浩,山下,高橋,酒井,武田,市村

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • An Efficient Information Retrieval Method in WWW Using Genetic Algorithms, Proc. of the 1999 International conference on Parallel Processing Workshops on Multimedia Network Systems, 522-527, 1999.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 情報探索ネットワークの自己組織化による分散情報の効果的検索法の提案電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol.J82-B No.5 pp.809 - 817 (1999)「ネットワークソフトウェア小特集合」, 1999.01

    武田 利浩,阿部康一, 武田利浩, 布川博士, 白鳥則郎

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • An Agent-based Self-organizing Information Retrieval Ssystem in World Wide Web, The 12th International Conference on Information Networiking(ICOIN-12), 1998.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Radix R Parallel FFT algorithms with a global interconnection networks and Its Evaluation., Proc. of the ISPAN'97, Taipei, Taiwan,, 424-428, 1997.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 自己トークンプロトコルによる高速リングLAN,情報処理学会論文誌,36(3)(1995)(共著), 1995.01

    武田 利浩, 丹野,武田,小山,野口

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel FFT Algorithms Using Radix 4 Butterfly Computation on an Eight-Neighbor Processor Array, Parallel Computing, 21(1)(1995)(共著), 1995.01

    武田 利浩, K.Tanno, T.Taketa, S.Horiguchi

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • 8隣接プロセッサ・アレイによるニューラルネットワークの並列処理,応用数理学会論文誌,5(4)(1995)(共著), 1995.01

    武田 利浩, 武田,田中,丹野

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel 2-D FFT Algorithms on an Eight-Neighbor Processor Array,電気学会論文誌(C),114-C(5)(1994)(共著), 1994.01

    武田 利浩, K.Tanno,T.Takeda,S.Horiguchi

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel Simulation Algorithm of Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Computers, Procc. of the 1993 World Transputer Congres Aachen, Germany,, 1993.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel Computing Algorithm of Neural Networks on an Eight-Neighbor Processor Array, Proc. of IPCCC93, Temp, Arizona, USA,, 559-564, 1993.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel FFT Algorithms on an Eight-Neighbor Processor Array, the 4th Transputer/Occam International conference, 1992.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Self-Token Protocol for High-Speed Multi-Media LANs, Proc. of IPCCC'92, 1992.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel Radix 4FFT Algorithms on an Eight-Neighbor Processor Array, Proc. of IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON92, Melbourne, Australia, 855-859, 1992.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Parallel 2-D FFT algorithms on an eight neighbor processor array, International symposium on information theory its applications(ISITA), Singapore,, 621-627, 1992.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • A Parallel Sorting Algorithm on an Eight-Neighbor Processor Array, the International Conference on Application-Specific Array Processors(ASAP'92), Berkeley, California, USA,, 456-468, 1992.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Multiplexing of Communication Ports on UNIX Terminals for Packet Radio Networks, the 1st International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, Dullas, Texas, USA,, 417-420, 1992.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Register Insertion/Self-Token Protocol for High-Speed Ring LANs, Proc. of LCN'90, 1990.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Register Insertion/Self-Token Protocol for Ring LANs, Proc. of IEEE-TENCON89, 1989.04

    武田 利浩

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

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