Updated on 2025/01/17


Associate Professor

Graduating School

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture

    1996.03, Graduated

Graduate School

  • University of Tsukuba, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture

    Doctor's Course, 2001.03, Completed

External Career

  • RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Contract Researcher, 2002.04 - 2002.09

  • RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Special Postdoctoral Researcher, 2002.10 - 2005.09



  • Twelve-year conversion of rice paddy to wetland does not alter SOC content but decreases C decomposition and N mineralization in Japan, Journal of Environmental Management, 2024

    Shuirong Tang, Tian Liu, Ronggui Hu, Xingkai Xu, Yanzheng Wu, Lei Meng, Satoshi Hattori, Keitaro Tawaraya, Weiguo Cheng

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Long-term conversion of upland to paddy increased SOC content and N availability in a sand dune of Japan, Catena, 2023

    Intan Lusiana Dewi, Shuirong Tang, Margi Asih Maimunah, Eric Cantona, Jean Yves Dukuzumuremyi, Christian Nkurunziza, Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami, Eko Hanudin, Satoshi Hattori, Keitaro Tawaraya, Weiguo C...

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Influence of Azolla incorporation and/or dual cropping on CH4 and N2O emission from a paddy field, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2022

    Samuel Munyaka Kimani, Putu Oki Bimantara, Valensi Kautsar, Ren Torita, Satoshi Hattori, Keitaro Tawaraya, Shigeto Sudo, Weiguo Cheng

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Five-year soil warming changes soil C and N dynamics in a single rice paddy field in Japan., The Science of the total environment, 756 143845, 2021.02

    Tang S, Cheng W, Hu R, Guigue J, Hattori S, Tawaraya K, Tokida T, Fukuoka M, Yoshimoto M, Sakai H, Usui Y, Xu X, Hasegawa T

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Air-drying and drying-rewetting effects in Japanese Andosols subjected to long-term organic rice farming, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 66(5) 714-723, 2020.09

    Kautsar Valensi, Cheng Weiguo, Tawaraya Keitaro, Hattori Satoshi, Yamada Susumu, Kobayashi Kazuhiko, Toriyama Kazunobu

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Co-application of poultry-litter biochar with Azolla has synergistic effects on CH4 and N2O emissions from rice paddy soils, HELIYON, 6(9) e05042, 2020.09

    Kimani Samuel Munyaka, Bimantara Putu Oki, Hattori Satoshi, Tawaraya Keitaro, Sudo Shigeto, Xu Xingkai, Cheng Weiguo

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Modeling aerobic decomposition of rice straw during the off-rice season in an Andisol paddy soil in a cold temperate region of Japan: Effects of soil temperature and moisture, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016

    Miyuki Nakajima, Weiguo Cheng, Shuirong Tang, Yasuaki Hori, Eiko Yaginuma, Satoshi Hattori, Susumu Hanayama, Keitaro Tawaraya, Xingkai Xu

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Changes in the soil C and N contents, C decomposition and N mineralization potentials in a rice paddy after long-term application of inorganic fertilizers and organic matter, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016

    Weiguo Cheng, Agnes T. Padre, Chizuru Sato, Hiroyuki Shiono, Satoshi Hattori, Akihiko Kajihara, Masakazu Aoyama, Keitaro Tawaraya, Katsumi Kumagai

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Acetogenesis from H2 plus CO2 and nitrogen fixation by an endosymbiotic spirochete of a termite-gut cellulolytic protist, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015

    Moriya Ohkuma, Satoko Noda, Satoshi Hattori, Toshiya Iida, Masahiro Yuki, David Starns, Jun-ichi Inoue, Alistair C. Darby, Yuichi Hongoh

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Sporomusa intestinalis sp. nov., a homoacetogenic bacterium isolated from the gut of a higher termite, Termes comis (Termitinae), The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2013

    Satoshi Hattori, Yuichi Hongoh, Takashi Itoh, Pinsurang Deevong, Savitr Trakulnaleamsai, Napavarn Noparatnaraporn, Toshiaki Kudo, Moriya Ohkuma

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Candidatus Desulfovibrio trichonymphae, a novel intracellular symbiont of the flagellate Trichonympha agilis in termite gut, Environmental Microbiology, 2009

    Tomoyuki Sato, Yuichi Hongoh, Satoko Noda, Satoshi Hattori, Sadaharu Ui, Moriya Ohkuma

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Bioactivity of Latifolin and Its Derivatives against Termites and Fungi, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009

    Nobuhiro Sekine, Tatsuya Ashitani, Tetsuya Murayama, Sakae Shibutani, Satoshi Hattori, Koetsu Takahashi

    Multiple Authorship (Only Japanese)

  • Syntrophic Acetate-Oxidizing Microbes in Methanogenic Environments, Microbes and Environments, 2008

    Satoshi Hattori

    Single Author

  • Phylogenetic Diversity, Localization, and Cell Morphologies of Members of the Candidate Phylum TG3 and a Subphylum in the Phylum Fibrobacteres, Recently Discovered Bacterial Groups Dominant in Termite Guts, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(10) 6780-6788, 2006.10

    Yuichi Hongoh, Pinsurang Deevong, Satoshi Hattori, Tetsushi Inoue, Satoko Noda, Napavarn Noparatnaraporn, Toshiaki Kudo, Moriya Ohkuma

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Xylanibacter oryzae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative, xylanolytic bacterium isolated from rice-plant residue in flooded rice-field soil in Japan, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 56 2215-2221, 2006.09

    Atsuko Ueki, Hiroshi Akasaka, Daisuke Suzuki, Satoshi Hattori, Katsuji Ueki

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Operation of the CO Dehydrogenase/Acetyl Coenzyme A Pathway in both Acetate Oxidation and Acetate Formation by the Syntrophically Acetate-Oxidizing Bacterium Thermacetogenium phaeum , Journal of Bacteriology, 187(10) 3471-3476, 2005.05

    Satoshi Hattori, Alexander S. Galushko, Yoichi Kamagata, Bernhard Schink

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Isolation and Detection of Methanogens from the Gut of Higher Termites, Microbes and Environments, 19(3) 221-226, 2004.09

    Pinsurang Deevong, Satoshi Hattori, Akinori Yamada, Savitr Trakulnaleamsai, Moriya Ohkuma, Napavarn Noparatnaraporn, Toshiaki Kudo

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Differential Expression of Methanogenesis Genes of Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus (Formerly Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum) in Pure Culture and in Cocultures with Fatty Acid-Oxidizing Syntrophs , Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68(3) 1173-1179, 2002.03

    Hong-Wei Luo, Hui Zhang, Toshihiko Suzuki, Satoshi Hattori, Yoichi Kamagata

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Involvement of formate as an interspecies electron carrier in a syntrophic acetate-oxidizing anaerobic microorganism in coculture with methanogens, Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 91(3) 294-298, 2001.11

    Satoshi Hattori, Hongwei Luo, Hirofumi Shoun, Yoichi Kamagata

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

  • Thermacetogenium phaeum gen. nov., sp. nov., a strictly anaerobic, thermophilic, syntrophic acetate-oxidizing bacterium , International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology , 50 1601-1609, 2000.07

    Yoichi Kamagata, Satoshi Hanada, Hirofumi Shoun

    Multiple Authorship (Including Foreigners)

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2023.04 - 2026.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2020.04 - 2023.03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C),2017.04 - 2020.03